Quest:Taking Word to Calargyl

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Stopping the Spread
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Maeriel
Starts at Nímbarth
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [47.8S, 32.8W]
Ends with Calargyl
Ends at South Downs
End Region Cardolan
Map Ref [45.2S, 28.6W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You have shown yourself to be far more dependable than my brother, so I wonder if I can entrust you with another task. I was meant to meet with my fellow Ranger, Calargyl, at Amon Firn, but I daren't leave Merruth unattended.

'Would you bring Calargyl word of what we saw here? The diseased boars and the encroaching Warg presence is unsettling. Some darkness has swept through Cardolan, I am sure of it.'


Maeriel needs word of the diseased boars and aggressive Wargs brought to her fellow Ranger.

Objective 1

Maeriel has asked you to talk to her fellow Ranger, Calargyl about what you all saw and did here in Sedgemead.

Calargyl is near Amon Firn, in north-eastern Cardolan.

Calargyl: 'Greetings! I am indeed Calargyl. So, Maeriel was left once more to clean up her brother's mess? I am not surprised by that, but the rest of the news you bring is quite troubling. I have myself witnessed strange things indeed.'